(832) 375-4409
Click here for a printable PDF version of the checklist!
If you must purchase ice from Tall Pines, we charge $5 per 20 lb. bag.
Centerville prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages, so if you plan to consume any alcohol, please remember to pick it up before you get there.
It's very easy to obtain a hunting license. You can get a hunting license at any Wal-Mart or sporting goods store. Some feed stores carry them as well. You may also purchase one online by clicking the following link:
We recommend the Type 157 hunting license. Below is an excerpt from the Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD) website at
Non-resident 5-Day Special Hunting (Type 157): $48 Legal for any period of 5 consecutive days (valid hunting dates will be printed on the license when issued). Valid to hunt: Exotic animals, all legal game birds (except turkeys), all nongame animals, squirrel, javelina and alligator (not valid for other game animals, NOT VALID FOR DEER). Stamp endorsement requirements apply.
Although we do plenty of picture taking ourselves, it's always nice to have extra cameras should we experience any "technical malfunctions."